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[Satellite TODAY 08-18-10] Nevion, a video transport solution provider, has helped NASA transport stereo 3-D video of two space shuttle launches in real time, Nevion announced Aug. 17.
     The experimental terrestrial transmission was a proof of concept using stereo 3-D video capture of the Atlantis and Endeavor space shuttle launches at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Nevion’s VS861 fibre transport solution transported three live, uncompressed 3-D video feeds from the launch gantry and towers back to NASA Command Center, providing a 360-degree 3-D view of the launch in real time. It was also the first time that NASA had used digital video instead of film. NASA used Nevion’s high-density, high-speed, uncompressed video transport solution. With six HD-SDI ports — each with an HD data rate of 1.5 gigabits per second — to support three stereo 3-D cameras.
     “The use of stereo 3-D in space shuttle launches has a variety of critical applications such as debris verification, so we’re looking forward to seeing where this takes us in future,” Eugene Keane, president of Nevion USA, said in a statement.

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