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[Satellite TODAY 07-14-10] Comtech Mobile Datacom received a contract modification to its Movement Tracking System (MTS) program contract with the U.S. Army, authorizing two six-month performance period extension options and a $226.7 million ceiling increase, the company announced July 13.
    This is the second MTS contract ceiling increase Comtech has received since May, bringing the total contract ceiling to $899.1 million. Comtech has received $668.7 million in orders to date. The Army exercised its first six-month performance period option immediately, extending the ordering period out through Jan. 13, 2011, with deliveries and performance now authorized to continue into January 2012.
    “We are extremely pleased to have received this substantial MTS contract ceiling increase, which we believe clearly demonstrates the government’s continued demand for our hardware and services as well as their continued confidence in Comtech’s ability to support the U.S. Army’s immediate and future operational needs,” Comtech President and CFO Fred Kornberg said in a statement.
    Comtech is one of the suppliers eligible for the Army’s multi-billion dollar Blue Force Tracking 2 contract vehicle, expected by the end of this summer.

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