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[Satellite TODAY 06-22-10] Thales Alenia Space signed a deal with Ball Aerospace to design an altimeter for the U.S. Navy’s new-generation Geosat Follow-On 2 (GFO-2) satellite, the manufacturer announced June 21.
    The contract covers the preliminary phase for U.S. Navy’s GFO-2 program. As a partner in this program, Thales Alenia Space will develop the bi-frequency altimeter, using a technology derived from the Poseidon family of altimeters, already in operation on the Jason series of oceanography satellites. The U.S. Navy expects to issue the final contract for the altimeter’s production by the end of 2010.
    “This is the first time that the United States Department of Defense has chosen a European company to supply a microwave altimeter. Our business win clearly confirms the global renown of our altimeter product line, which boasts a proven track record in space,” Thales Alenia Space CEO Reynald Seznec said in a statement.
    Ball Aerospace is the prime contractor on behalf of the U.S. Navy. The measurements provided by this new-generation GFO-2 will cover all of the planet’s oceans, delivering vital data for military strategy.

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