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Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) CEO Marian Blakey said her organization is “encouraged” by space-related provisions included in the U.S. Fiscal 2011 Defense Authorization Act passed by Congress on May 27.

    In a statement released June 3, Blakey hailed supportive language in the Defense Authorization Act for the creation of a joint Defense Department and Director of National Intelligence national security space architecture. The act “is a very positive development. AIA has long supported increasing interagency coordination on space issues and sees this as an important move in the right direction, particularly when it comes to national security space acquisition, where long-term planning can directly contribute to industrial base health.”

    AIA also voiced support over the act’s proposed U.S. military cost evaluation of government refurbishment and modification of excess ICBM assets for space launch. “By explaining the costs incurred by the use of excess assets, the proposed analysis takes a step towards recognizing the cost effectiveness of commercial options for responsive space and small launch, which is critical to the vitality of the U.S. propulsion and solid rocket motor industrial base,” Blakey said.

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