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[Satellite TODAY 01-06-10] ITT Corp. is reorganizing and renaming its defense segment, ITT announced Jan. 5.
    The unit will be renamed ITT Defense and Information Solutions and its current organizational structure, comprising seven separate business units, will be consolidated into three larger ones.
    ITT’s electronic and communications systems divisions, along with a portion of its intelligence and information warfare division will be merged to form ITT Electronic Systems division, based in Clifton, N.J. ITT space systems and night vision divisions will merge to form ITT Geospatial Systems, based in Rochester, N.Y. and ITT’s advanced electronics, sciences and systems divisions will be combined with a portion of the intelligence and information warfare division to form ITT Information Systems, based in Herndon, Va.
    ITT company said the reorganization aims to better align the company with the needs of ITS increasingly integrated and network-centric global customer base.

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