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[Satellite TODAY 12-07-09] Globecomm Systems has rolled out an operational commercial X-band service offering for U.S. military and coalition forces operating in Southwest Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the company announced Dec. 3.
    The end-to-end X-band offering combines licensed teleport assets, a global fiber network, commercial X-band space segment, a redundant iDirect IP services platform and a range of satellite terminal equipment options. This service is intended to support the demand for increased U.S. military and coalition forces’ bandwidth requirements in an IP-centric fashion.
    The Globecomm service caters to military application with high-bandwidth demands and is supported by a global network of high-power satellites connected through a deployment of small aperture antennas and man-portable units, such as the company’s TomCat ManPack, in the related regions.
    “Our strategy has been to develop a comprehensive offering of X-band satcom terminal equipment and an organic capability for worldwide transport of government communications traffic between remote terminals operating in challenging conditions and C3centers located in or out of the theater… satisfying stringent communications requirements, minimizing program risk, and realizing cost-effective service delivery for our government customers,” Dwight Hunsicker, Globecomm’s vice president of sales, said in a statement.

Globecomm COO Keith Hall will be participating as a panelist, alongside Inmarsat, DISA, Intelsat General, Boeing and Xtar in Via Satellite’s Webinar, “Addressing the Issues of Government and Military Bandwidth Acquisition.” on Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. EST. For more information on how you can attend this Web event, visit and register today!

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