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[Satellite TODAY 10-27-09] Raytheon received a $3 million award from the U.S. Air Force Space Command to develop an enterprise sensing prototype architecture for space situational awareness (ESP-SSA), the company announced Oct. 26.
    The ESP-SSA prototype aims to demonstrate an open, service-oriented architecture to integrate Space Command space surveillance sensors with U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) sensors into a single sensor enterprise, which would enable missile defense sensors to participate in the space surveillance network and be tasked by space and missile defense command and control systems.
    “Integrating these sensors will give decision makers an extraordinary view of space and the ability to discern and quickly react to potential threats. Open architectures and multimission operational capability provide affordable and flexible sensor solutions to protect our nation,” Pete Franklin, vice president for Raytheon integrated defense systems’ national theater security programs, said in a statement.

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