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[Satellite TODAY 08-31-09] The GPS 2R-21 M satellite, the last in the series of eight U.S. military GPS-2R satellites, has been declared operational for military and civilian users, the U.S. Air Force announced Aug. 27.
    The satellite, built by Lockheed Martin, was launched Aug. 17 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Fla. GPS 2R-21 M joins a constellation of 30 operational satellites on orbit providing global military and commercial GPS coverage.
    “The 50th Space Wing is extremely proud of adding this new satellite to the operational constellation. … The improved signals provided by the GPS satellites will continue to provide services any time, any place, right time and right place supporting both the warfighter and the growing needs of our global economy," Air Force Col. Wayne Monteith said in a statement.

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