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[Satellite Today 06-08-09] General Dynamics Satcom Technologies won a $119 million order to provide additional satellite communications earth terminals and support services for the U.S. Army‘s Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program, General Dynamics announced June 5.
    General Dynamics will provide 293 satellite transportable terminals (STT), six unit hub satcom trucks (UHST) and 534 Ka-band upgrade kits and spares.
    The next-generation STT terminals aim to enable network operation over Ku- or Ka-band satellite frequencies. The new UHST unit hubs provide Ku- or Ka-band access and more modem capacity. Both the STTs and UHSTs are interoperable with satellite communications units currently in use by the Army, General Dynamics said.
    The delivery order was made through exercised options on an existing global satellite delivery order, bringing the Army contract’s total value to date to $378 million for General Dynamics.

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