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[Satellite Today 06-01-09] The University of Maryland will receive $93 million in funding over five years from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to establish the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites, NOAA announced May 29.
    The school will lead a new climate research partnership with NOAA, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center along with North Carolina State University and 16 other institutions.
    “Our new institute will combine satellite observations with advanced climate change modelling to produce the kinds of services, like long-term regional drought assessments, that such a climate service will provide,” University of Maryland climate scientist Phillip Arkin, director of the new institute, said in a statement.
    The university said the new institute will play a major role in its Climate Information Responding to Users Needs Initiative — a cross-campus priority that focuses on the transition from basic research through applied research to support of the need for climate information by end users.

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