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[Satellite Today 05-15-09] The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) backed NASA‘s action to award Orbital Sciences the contract to provide commercial resupply services for the International Space Station over PlanetSpace, which filed a complaint with the GAO, according to a GAO statement released May 14.
   “We think [NASA] clearly acted reasonably in concluding that PlanetSpace’s own lack of technical and management capability and significant, relevant past performance, the fact that PlanetSpace would be the prime contractor to the agency, and the high financial risk associated with PlanetSpace’s proposal, were more significant considerations than, and thus offset, the favorable technical past performance of Lockheed Martin, Boeing and ATK,” said GAO General Counsel Gary Kepplinger.
   The GAO also said PlanetSpace knew of the potential high risk arising from using cost-plus development subcontracts and that given its size, the contract amount, and the type of subcontract, ran the risk of schedule delays and cost overruns.

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