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[Satellite Today 05-06-09] The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) awarded Raytheon an information assurance and network operations contract to design, transition and operate a secure voice, video and data-information sharing and collaboration environment over satellite links for U.S. and coalition forces, Raytheon announced May 5.
    The system would connect disparate networks into a single, integrated network that enables compartmented, multilevel information sharing.
    “Using commercial off-the-shelf products, Raytheon created a system that reduces waste and redundancy and speeds access to information. Actions that once took hours or days to be completed can happen in a matter of seconds,” Andy Zogg, vice president of Raytheon Network Centric Systems, said in a statement.
    The contract guarantees Raytheon $23.2 million for one year, while four options could extend the contract to five years with a potential value of $138 million.

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