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[Satellite Today 04-03-09] U.S. government spending on unclassified satellites and space programs soared 42 percent to $16.9 billion in the fiscal year 2009 from $11.9 billion in 2005, according to a March 31 report from watchdog group, Taxpayers for Common Sense.
    The untitled report identified 12 programs with cost growth of more than 200 percent in the past five years. The group said the increase demonstrated "out-of-control" spending and said that billions of dollars in space-related programs for national security were spread over the three military services and other agencies with no central authority to track spending.
    "Without this bird’s-eye view on spending, those who determine our space and national security policy — in the White House, on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon — do not have a crucial tool for setting spending priorities," said the group in the report.

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