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The AASM modular air-to-ground weapon was fired successfully, Sagem announced.

Sagem (SAFRAN Group) and the French defense procurement agency DGA successfully carried out the first firing test of the 125-kilogram version of the AASM modular air-to-ground weapon.

The AASM 125 comprises a Mk81 type 125 kg bomb, to which are attached inertial/GPS guidance and range augmentation kits. These same kits are already used on the 250-kg AASM 250 version, now in service with the French air force Rafale fighters.

The AASM 125 expands the operational capabilities of armed forces. Its (The AASM’s) precision guidance, extended range and limited effects enhance operational flexibility and applicability, especially for fire support missions near ground troops, since it limits the risk of collateral damage.

The first firing test of the AASM 125 was carried out at the DGA’s missile test range in Biscarosse, from a Mirage 2000N based at the DGA’s flight test center in Cazaux.

The AASM 125 was fired from high altitude at a target several tens of kilometers away. It was guided toward the target solely by its own inertial navigation system. The flightpath and impact accuracy were in line with expectations.

Developed by Sagem, the AASM is a new generation of air-to-ground precision guided weapon. It comprises a guidance kit and a range augmentation kit, bringing unrivaled capabilities to conventional bombs. The AASM is also marketed by MBDA as part of its complete range of products addressing the requirements of armed forces around the world.

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