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The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) has proposed an outline of changes to the defense procurement system.

That system has drawn criticism from lawmakers in Congress, who cite giant increases in costs of weapons systems.

The defense acquisition system should be improved to make it fair, reasonable and flexible, according to a new AIA report.

The report, "U.S. Defense Acquisition: An Agenda for Positive Reform," recommends the new administration and Congress consider rational reform of the current system and avoid specific complex and unique government acquisition processes that were unsuccessful in the past.

Supporting America’s men and women in uniform is one of the most important functions of the aerospace and defense industry, AIA President and CEO Marion Blakey said.

"This report is industry’s blueprint to be a constructive voice and partner with the government in achieving that goal," said Blakey. "To produce the best military equipment at the best value, we need a strong industrial base, an experienced acquisition workforce, well-defined requirements and budget realism."

The report recommends that the new administration and Congress focus on three overarching themes this year:

  • Stability and fairness in contracting and financial policies
  • Reform of the major elements of the defense acquisition system
  • Competitiveness and efficiency of the aerospace and defense industry

Requirements for national security are enormous, with threats from many sources along with the need to modernize equipment, the AIA stated. In today’s resource-strapped environment, industry takes its role to be a responsible acquisition partner seriously, Blakey said.

The report is being provided to the new administration and members of Congress and is available on the AIA Web site at

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