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Space Shuttle Endeavour may get a piggyback ride tomorrow on a specially modified Boeing 747 jumbo jet, which will take Endeavour back to Kennedy Space Center, NASA announced.

The transfer will occur then if weather improves sufficiently.

Endeavour now is at Dryden Flight Research Center, a NASA facility at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.

After more than two weeks in space, Endeavour had been slated to land at Kennedy, the preferred landing spot. But the shuttle instead was diverted to a landing at Edwards because of poor weather in Florida.

The shuttle orbiter vehicle had gone to the International Space Station, where the Endeavour crew performed good work on a balky mechanism needed to keep solar electrical generating arrays pointed toward the sun. Crew members also hauled aloft enormous amounts of new equipment for the station, vital to doubling the station crew size from three to six. (Please see Space & Missile Defense Report, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008.)

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