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The Joint Direct Attack Munition Extended Range (JDAM ER) weapon performed well and completed tests for the Royal Australian Air Force, The Boeing Co. [BA] announced.

Tests were performed at the Woomera Test Facility in South Australia.

The testing was led by the Australian Department of Defence with support from Boeing and Boeing subsidiary Hawker de Havilland, developer of the wing kits for the 500-pound JDAM ER.

"This cooperative effort with our RAAF customer and key supplier is helping to increase JDAM’s stand-off range, adding improved warfighter safety and survivability to JDAM’s proven effectiveness and accuracy," said Kevin Holt, JDAM ER program manager for Boeing. "We anticipate that these successful tests will lead to JDAM ER moving from the flight demonstration phase into Low Rate Initial Production beginning in calendar year 2010."

Flight tests were conducted from RAAF F/A-18A/B+ Hornet strike fighter aircraft. Each flight exceeded the RAAF’s range and accuracy requirements.

"By increasing range and accuracy, the delivery of the weapon will be more effective, allowing a single aircraft to engage multiple targets while the extended range increases the survivability of the aircrew and the aircraft launching the weapon," said The Honorable Warren Snowdon MP, Australian Minister for Defence Science and Personnel.

JDAM ER is a standard JDAM weapon enhanced with the Hawker de Havilland wing kit, designed to significantly increase its range while maintaining its accuracy.

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