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[Satellite Today 11-21-08] DataPath Inc. was awarded a contract to continue providing on-site personnel to operate and maintain U.S. Army satellite communications systems, the company announced Nov. 21.
    The $4.8 million award provides 12 months of funding for DataPath technical personnel based in various locations in the United States that support satellite transportable terminals, master reference terminals and unit hub satellite communications Trucks used in the U.S. Army’s Joint Network Node (JNN)/Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program.
    "This award funds personnel that support JNN/WIN-T terminals that were used on the battlefield and are being serviced and redeployed," Steve Lindeman, vice president of business operations at DataPath, said in a statement. "This line of satellite communications terminals has proven to be rugged and reliable in the harshest conditions. DataPath on-site technical experts have been a key to that successful performance since the terminals were first deployed."

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