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[Satellite Today 11-04-08] Thales Alenia Space España has been chosen to supply X-band communication subsystems and S-band telemetry, tracking, and command transponders for the first three Sentinel observation satellites in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Kopernikus program, parent company Thales Alenia Space announced Nov. 4.
    Thales Alenia Space España will also develop, manufacture and supply the S-band telemetry, tracking and command transponders for the three Sentinel satellites.
    Thales Alenia Space’s Italian and French companies are prime contractors for the Sentinel 1 and 3 satellites, while Astrium is in charge of Sentinel 2. Thales Alenia Space’s French and Belgian companies are responsible for the specification, design, assembly, integration, testing, and delivery of this assembly for the Sentinel 1, 2 and 3 satellite families, as well as for the three recurrent ones.
    The Kopernikus program, formerly known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, is being co-funded by the European Commission.

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