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[Satellite Today 08-29-08] The U.S. Air Force has certified readiness for dedicated operational utility evaluation and trial period operations of the first Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO-1) payload and associated ground system in preparation for use by the warfighter, Lockheed Martin announced Aug. 28.
    SBIRS is designed to provide early warning of missile launches, and simultaneously support other missions including missile defense, technical intelligence and battlespace awareness.
    Announced to be on-orbit in Nov. 2006, the HEO-1 payload has been exceeding expectations during an extensive on-orbit test regimen necessary before beginning on-orbit operations for the user.
    Lockheed Martin also said that as part of the operational utility evaluation, the system will enter trial period operations in which live HEO data will be injected into the warfighters operational networks providing critical warning and intelligence data.
    Lockheed Martin’s current SBIRS contract includes the two HEO payloads now on-orbit, two GEO satellites, as well as ground-based assets to receive and process the infrared data.

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