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[Satellite News 08-04-08] The launch of the Inmarsat-4 F3 satellite is likely to be delayed a few days Khrunichev State Research and Production Centre along with Inmarsat, said August 4. A replacing and retesting of a launcher’s electrical component is required before the launch can go ahead.
    During initial testing, faults were discovered in the rocket stage following attachment of the Inmarsat-4 F3 satellite to the launch vehicle.
    Eugene Jilg, CTO of Inmarsat said, “This is the kind of incident that these final, thorough tests are intended to disclose; the system has worked. Inmarsat is working with ILS and Khrunichev to understand fully the cause, corrective action, and retest programme. We will take whatever time is necessary to ensure this matter does not inhibit a successful launch. That said, we do not currently expect a delay to be more than a matter of days.”

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