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[Satellite 07-22-08] Kenneth Miller, president and one of the founders of Globecomm Systems Inc., died July 20, the company announced.
    Miller helped found Globecomm Systems as a satellite systems integration company in October 1994 and led the company’s expansion into communications services through its Globecomm Network Services subsidiary, which provides IP and data services, video transmission and mobile telephony backhaul and network services via satellite. Most recently, he led the company’s growth in business with the U.S. Department of Defense and civilian agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
    Miller was a satellite communications staff officer in the U.S. Army, where he conducted the first experiments using digital satellite communications over military satellites. He began his commercial career at Comtech Telecommunications, and held several positions at Satellite Transmission Systems before helping found Globecomm Systems.
    In February, the World Teleport Association named Miller its Teleport Executive of the Year for his effort to transform Globecomm Systems into a global provider of teleport services. Globecomm will rename its satellite communications hub the Kenneth A. Miller International Teleport.

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