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[Satellite Today 07-15-08] Telecomunicaciones Bantel has installed a network of iDirect remote satellite routers to expand cellular access within Venezuela, VT iDirect Inc. announced July 15.
    Bantel installed the new network of Series 3000 routers on its existing iDirect Series 15000 universal satellite hub, allowing Corporacion Digitel to expand its service by backhauling GSM traffic over satellite. Digitel will leverage the network to extend the reach of its voice and data services and bolster capacity for existing customers.
    “Current microwave backhaul systems require a hub every 50 miles,” Ricardo Otaola, president of Bantel, said in a statement. “In Venezuela this isn’t cost effective because the distance between sites often exceeds 700 miles. For years we’ve been working to develop a more effective GSM backhaul solution.” 

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