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[Satellite Today – 6-27-08] Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) conducted a full launch dress rehearsal and hold down firing of the Falcon 1 Flight 3 vehicle June 26, the company announced
    The first launch pad firing of SpaceX’s Merlin 1C engine, conducted on Omelek Island, SpaceX’s launch site at Kwajalein Atoll, is the final step before launch of the Falcon 1 rocket, the company said.
    The Falcon 1 is scheduled to place the Trailblazer satellite in orbit for the Jumpstart Program of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Operationally Responsive Space Office. Secondary payloads include an adapter system developed by the government of Malaysia that holds two small NASA satellites.
    The launch, which has been delayed due to the unavailability of support equipment and tracking stations in the Pacific Ocean, is scheduled to open July 29 and run through Aug. 6. A second launch window runs from Aug. 29 to Sept. 5.

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