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[Satellite Today – 5-16-08] The European Space Agency (ESA) has launched its fifth European Satellite Navigation Competition, the agency announced May 15.
    The competition, run by the  Technology Transfer Program Office, seeks quick-to-market, innovative ideas for the use of satellite navigation in non-space businesses. Since the competition began in 2004, 650 ideas on how to use satellite navigation have been presented, with more than 250 proposals submitted in 2007. 
     Companies, entrepreneurs, research institutes, universities and individuals from around the globe have until July 31 to submit ideas. Panels in each of 13 different competition regions will select finalists. An international will select the overall winner, while special topic sponsors will select topic winners.
    The overall winner will be names the Galileo Master 2008, which includes a grant of 20,000 euros, an office and six-month’s support to help convert the proposal into a business product. All winners will be announced Oct. 21 at the International Systems Trade Fair in Munich.
    Entries should be made online at the competition Web site — 

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