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[Satellite Today – 5-1-08] Glowlink’s Wideband Global Spectrum Monitoring System has begun monitoring traffic carried on the first U.S. Department of Defense Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite, Glowlink announced April 28.
    The satellite, which began operations April 15, is the first in a new generation of wide bandwidth communications satellites and is the most powerful in the Pentagon’s inventory for long-haul communications.
      “The system is used to routinely measure the spectral signature of more than 4.5 gigahertz of WGS bandwidth in just a few minutes," Daniel Hannan, chief of Wideband Satcom operations support for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, said in a statement.  The system “enables wideband transmissions controllers to see spectrum that is actually transiting all WGS beams, regardless of band, with a single monitoring system.”

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