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[Satellite Today – 4-15-08] Northrop Grumman has submitted a proposal to NASA to design and develop the next generation of GOES-R satellites, Northrop Grumman announced April 15.
    Northrop Grumman’s proposal for the Geostationary Environmental Operational Satellite — Series R (GOES-R) builds on its experience designing, developing and integrating research and operational environmental spacecraft and sensors for NASA and NOAA. This includes the Aqua and Aura Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites and the next generation environmental satellite system, National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS). The GOES-R space segment is being procured by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and will be operated by NOAA.
    The GOES-R series represents a significant technological advancement over the earlier GOES spacecraft in terms of system availability, precision pointing, capacity and the quality and quantity of meteorological and environmental data. For example, one of the major instruments, the Advanced Baseline Imager, will produce higher precision images and output high fidelity data at a rate roughly 25 times greater than previous GOES generations.
    "The GOES-R series of spacecraft must have exceptional reliability and long life in order to ensure continuity of geostationary weather coverage through 2039," said David Ryan, vice president and division general manager for Civil Systems at Northrop Grumman’s Space Technology sector in a statement.  "We at Northrop Grumman are very proud of our successful legacy of delivering long-lived GEO spacecraft for nearly four decades.  On average, our satellites have lasted about two-and-a-half times their design life — a standard unmatched in our industry."

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