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[Satellite Today – 4-7-08] DataPath Inc. has begun delivery of 32 mobile incident site command trailers to the U.S. Army National Guard, DataPath announced April 7.
    The trailers will be used for the National Guard’s Joint Incident Site Communications Capability (JISCC), a communications bridge between first responders and other local, state and federal agencies. The JISCC command and control trailers feature advanced communications systems that can rapidly deploy anywhere in the United States to enable vital interagency communications at the site of a man-made or natural disaster. The JISCC trailers integrate secure satellite and wireless communications, land mobile radios, voice-over-IP telephones and video teleconferencing for a complete, self-contained solution. This end-to-end system delivers high-bandwidth connectivity even where the infrastructure is severely damaged.
    "The JISCC terminals are a great step forward in achieving reliable interoperability during a disaster response," said Steve Lindeman, vice president and general manager of DataPath’s Integrated Systems and Services division in a statement. "By tying together the high-bandwidth capabilities of satellite-enabled communications with wireless and land mobile radio systems, first responders from different agencies can communicate through one common system locally and at long distances. Once all 32 trailers are deployed nationwide, a new level of emergency preparedness in the U.S. will be achieved with a solid system for communicating and coordinating."

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