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[Satellite Today – 3-14-08] The world manufacturing market for Earth observation satellites will grow by 14 percent over the next nine years to $16.9 billion, according to a new report from Euroconsult.
    Private sector and emerging government space programs are taking over from the established government programs that dominated the industry, according to “Satellite-Based Earth Observation, Market Prospects to 2017,” released March 14. This departure from near-total dependence on established government programs is leading to a reshaping of the value chain as actors define new strategies and growth of the commercial data market.
    Established government programs will remain the leading actors in terms of number of satellites to be launched, with 54 satellites expected in the 2007-2016 time period, relatively flat compared to the last decade when 53 satellites were launched. However, their share of total satellites to be launched will drop from 77 percent to 36 percent in the same period.   
    According to Euroconsult, the development of the private sector should encourage the data sales market. From a base of $735 million in revenues in 2007, data sales are expected to grow by approximately 15 percent per year throughout the next ten years, reaching about $3 billion in 2017. 

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