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[Satellite Today – 2-21-08] Raytheon Co. has put together a team to bid on the next-generation Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) series ground segment, Raytheon announced Feb. 21.
    GOES satellites provides short-term advance weather warnings. The program is managed by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which establishes requirements, provides funding and distributes environmental data for the United States.
    Raytheon’s team includes Lockheed Martin, Arctic Slope Regional Corp., Omitron, Orbital Network Engineering, Silicon Graphics Inc., STC-Metsat, SM Resources Corp., RT Logic and Photon Research Associates, a wholly owned subsidiary of Raytheon. Scientific support will provided by the University of Oklahoma and the University of California, Los Angeles, in the areas of data mining, training, development, modelling and simulation, scene generation, and data verification and validation.
    The first GOES-R satellite is scheduled to be launched in December 2014.

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