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[Satellite Today – 2-20-08] Globalstar Inc. signed an agreement to provide customers of Atmospheric Systems Corp. (ASC) with data, Globalstar announced Feb. 20.
    Under  the agreement, ASC will integrate the Globalstar GSP-1620 satellite data modem as part of ASC’s Doppler Sodar (Sonic Detection And Ranging) product line, which are designed to monitor and collect data within the atmospheric boundary layer.
    The system emits acoustic pulses and records the corresponding atmospheric echo to determine wind speed, wind direction and turbulence profiles at as many as 50 user-selected altitudes. Using the Globalstar satellite network, these readings are then relayed to the customer via e-mail.
    “The Globalstar constellation of satellites is a quantum improvement in the transfer of critical atmospheric wind and system status information in a timely manner for our customers,” Kenneth Underwood, president of ASC, said in a statement. “The ability to work with one communications provider to cost effectively support our worldwide customer base is a unique capability that is only available through the Globalstar network.”

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