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[Satellite Today – 1-18-08] Integral Systems Inc. will begin work on the ground control segment for the next generation of GPS satellites under a contract from Northrop Grumman, Integral announced Jan. 17.

The U.S. Air Force awarded contracts in November to Northrop Grumman and Raytheon to develop proposals for the Next Generation Control Segment (OCX). Under the $20.6 million phase A subcontract, Integral will provide satellite command and control, network command and control, training and ground system simulation capabilities. Integral’s proposal will be based on its Command and Control System-Consolidated (CCS-C) program, which is used to operate multiple Air Force satellite programs.

“Using the CCS-C system on OCX not only demonstrates the flexibility of our system and products but also marks a very important step toward enabling more common control capabilities for Air Force satellites,” Jim Schuetzle, Integral’s executive vice president for government programs, said in a statement.
If the Northrop Grumman team is awarded the follow-on OCX contract, which could be valued at more than $1 million, Integral will deliver command and control capabilities for the entire GPS constellation, including sustainment, through 2023.

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