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[12-17-07 – Satellite Today] Boeing Co. has successfully demonstrated Next Generation Processor/Router (NPGR) technologies in tests for the Transformational Satellite Communications System Space Segment (TSAT SS), the company announced Dec. 17.
    The NGPR Spiral tests used realistic, operational scenarios designed to show increased functionality and performance of Boeing’s Path-to-Flight NGPR Brassboard, which replicates the function and configuration of the operational space segment payload.
    "With this successful third NGPR demonstration, we are bringing TSAT closer to functional operation," said Howard Chambers, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. "We showed our U.S. Air Force customer and end-users that TSAT’s breakthrough capabilities are real and achievable, and we are now poised to move on to the next step, which is to begin building the TSAT system."
    A team led by Boeing is competing against a team led by Lockheed Martin for the Air Force’s TSAT contract. The program is designed to provide American warfighters secure, interoperable, high-capacity global communications.
    The Air Force is expected to announce the winner of the multi-billion dollar space segment contract in January.

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