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[11-5-07 – Satellite Today] Xtar LLC., a joint venture between Loral Space and Communication and Hisdesat, has received a contract from the U.S. General Services Administration to provide information technology equipment software, and services, Loral announced Nov. 5.
    The contract has an unlimited spending ceiling and may be used by any federal, state or local agency to acquire Xtar’s X-band bandwidth and services.
    "This award will make it easier for military branches and government agencies to procure much needed bandwidth to meet warfighter communications needs as well as for homeland and border security,” Denis Curtin, chief operating officer of Xtar, said in a statement. Xtar owns and operates Xtar-Eur, located at 29°East, and offers additional X-band capacity through Xtar-Lant, a payload on Hisdesat’s Spainsat satellite located at 30° West.

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