Focus: Telecom

Satellite Keeps Police Connected
By James Careless The state of New Mexico is the fifth largest state in the United States, according to All told, it covers 121,598 square miles: a vast area covered by just 525 officers of the New Mexico State Police. Given that only two million people live in New Mexico, according to–this desert...
Ka-Band: Cautious Optimism
by Peter J. Brown Throughout the next 18 months, commercial Ka-band satellite capacity will grow considerably. New North American broadband multimedia ventures in particular are starting to talk about specific plans rather than a wide range of opportunities. In Europe, however, the initial phase of this trend is almost over. Military use aside, Ka-band must...
How are satellite-delivered content distribution services offering complete solutions for meeting today's corporate communication [business TV] needs?
Question and Answer Joe Amor, Microspace Communications Corp. May 27, 2003 How are satellite-delivered content distribution services offering complete solutions for meeting today’s corporate communication [business TV] needs? What is a business solution? A business solution fulfills a need, often to relieve a pain. The conscientious businessperson considers relieving future as well as current pain....
Latin America: Big Challenges For Satellite Operators
Latin America has attracted major investments in the satellite markets throughout the years. The region encompasses South America, Central America, Mexico and all the Caribbean islands. Roughly 531 million people reside in this region. Latin America has the world’s fifth most populated nation, Brazil, and two of the four most populated cities, Mexico City and...
Cover Story: Portable Earth Stations: Antennas To Go
In today’s ever-changing world, portable earth stations continue to gain popularity among satellite users. Whether for news crews, emergency aid workers, troops or businesses/institutions needing fast on-the-ground connectivity, portable earth stations are a logical, speedy solution. Not surprisingly, satellite equipment manufacturers are capitalizing on this demand by offering a wealth of innovative, complete portable product...
High Tech Hollywood: From Satellite To Movie Screen
If you live in the United States, there is a good chance you bought one of the estimated 1.6 billion movie tickets that were sold here last year. At the same time, it is highly unlikely you were aware of the first Spirit of Fire Film Festival in Siberia in January. After all, Khanty-Mansiysk is...
Satellite: The Backbone For The American Red Cross
by James Careless When disaster strikes anywhere in the United States, the American Red Cross (ARC) springs into action. Within hours, its highly-trained professionals arrive on the scene, coordinating rescue operations via telephone with the ARC’s headquarters in Falls Church, VA. Unfortunately, the tens and sometimes hundreds of telephone connections required for each rescue operation...
Bearish On Multimedia
by Douglas Graham Satellite broadband and multimedia have been a tough sell on Wall Street, yet the resistance to the technology among the moneypeople seems questionable given satellite’s tremendous potential. Even the sourest skeptics acknowledge its possibilities. Cable and DSL are not available in many of the world’s most remote regions, and for the people...
The FY04 Space Budget--Government Space To The Rescue
by Chris Mecray The Bush Administration’s FY04 budget submission, sent to Congress in February, appears to provide for generous funding for ongoing space projects. Though it is more challenging to discern administration priorities in space programs versus, say, fighter aircraft, we see a generally robust level of support for key projects, as recommended in the...