Focus: Telecom

Global Hotspots:Where The Money Is
By James Careless From the Americas to the Middle East, satellite services continue to increase profit margins for many doing business within certain regions of the world. Even during the challenging economic times of the past few years, some satellite-enabled applications have proven to be real moneymakers. Topping the list are emergency communications, IP data/broadband,...
Business TV: With New Applications Come New Opportunities
By Susan Trott Remember when business television (BTV) was only synonymous with talking head CEOs relaying corporate information to their staff? Well, times have changed. Although the one-way broadcasts associated with such executive talks still occur, BTV’s trend is moving toward two-way interactive, multimedia broadcasts that look more like well-produced TV programs. Moreover, BTV is...
Challenges Remain, But the Future Looks Bright
For all this good news, BTV does face its share of business challenges. The first is attracting new clients. Even at today’s lower prices, setting up a BTV network can run into the millions of dollars. This is why BTV providers have to do their homework when approaching new clients, especially when it comes to...
Interactive TV: New Potential, New Profits
Interactive TV (ITV) is just one of many attractive entertainment options for content providers and Direct-to-Home (DTH) and Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) operators alike. Satellite-based ITV opportunities include rich interactive programming guides (IPG), home shopping opportunities, interactive games, advertising, reality TV voting and remote betting, which in the United Kingdom and elsewhere is often referred...
Africa: Unexpected Land Of Opportunity
If money were no object, Africa would be leading the world’s hottest satellite services markets. With the exception of some major cities, the continent’s terrestrial communications infrastructure is inadequate at best and nonexistent at worst. Even though a number of international fiber optic cables do make landfall on Africa’s shores, few are actually connected to...
Understanding The Economics Of The "Plug and Play" Model
by Owen Kurtin & Michael Flynn Sometimes, you can get too close to what you are examining and lose perspective, like the famous story of the blind man, who, when guided to an elephant, thought he was touching a tree. Why do satellite buses fail while so few payloads ever do? Why are bus failures...
Hybrid Networks: A Winning Partnership For Satellite
There is a quiet revolution taking place in the global satellite services industry. This revolution has winners all around, and virtually no losers. This revolution is a move toward hybrid networks. Simply put, a hybrid network combines both space and terrestrial connections to deliver customer signals efficiently and economically. Broadcasting and content service providers are...
Asia: Showing Signs Of Stability And Growth
By Peter J. Brown Asia has a lot to celebrate. Last year was capped off by the successful mission of Yang Liwei, the first Chinese taikonaut to orbit the Earth in a Shenzhou spacecraft. Among other things, this sets the stage for more Chinese space missions in the not too distant future. Yet, there is...
From the CFO: Maneuvering Business From Red To Black
For global satellite industry business initiatives, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Many industry executives are cautiously optimistic about buying into such a scenario. It does, however, look as if some of the most challenging times are over and growth opportunities are emerging once again for satellite communication applications. Even so,...
FCC Focus: "Interference Temperature" Metric Proposed for FSS Uplink Spectrum
By John Quale, Brian Weimer, and John Beahn On November 20, 2003, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a notice seeking comment on the feasibility of implementing a so-called "interference temperature" model for quantifying and managing interference. The new approach to interference management would fundamentally alter the FCC’s policies by focusing on the actual radio...