Focus: Telecom

FCC Focus: SHVIA Reauthorization--House Circulates Draft Legislation
By John Quale, Brian Weimer, and Mick Tuesley With the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act (SHVIA) set to expire on December 31, 2004, it is time again for Congress to address the many challenging issues raised by satellite carriage of broadcast signals. SHVIA had its genesis in a 1988 congressional rewrite of trademark and copyright...
Multimedia Matters: WM9 On Track At SMPTE, While Another Gem Emerges
by Peter J. Brown Given what is at stake and the magnitude of what is unfolding at the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) with respect to the ongoing standardization process involving the Windows Media 9 Series, in early February we posed some questions to Peter Symes, SMPTE engineering vice president. Will SMPTE...
Managing Internet Data: Saving Clients Time And Money
Benjamin Franklin once said, in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes. If he were alive today, he may have added that nothing is certain but death, taxes and the astounding growth of Internet data traffic. For proof, consider trans-Atlantic traffic totals between Europe and North America. According to Telegeography Research, trans-Atlantic Internet...
The "Value-Add" Factor
For those of you thinking your current communications network is operating at its optimal state, think again. As the corporate environment becomes more competitive and the current economic malaise begins to diminish, new company strategies for increasing market share will be vital for any corporation wishing to stay in business. Now ask any successful executive...
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross responds to a disaster every eight minutes, around the clock, 365 days a year. This quick response is due in great part to satellite technology. Founded in 1881, this independent, volunteer-led organization is dedicated to helping people in need throughout the United States and the world. Each year the Red Cross...
Video streaming: Expanding Destinations
By Peter J. Brown Beaming Internet Protocol (IP) video via satellite either live or via the store-and-forward method for both fixed and mobile services is no longer a rare event. While the desktop PC may still be the primary destination for video streaming over IP, the range of destinations for video over IP rapidly is...
Why should network managers consider satellite vs. terrestrial Webcasting for training networks?
Question and Answer Keven Cahoon, vice president, Enterprise Services, GlobeCast March 09, 2004 Why should network managers consider satellite vs. terrestrial Webcasting for training networks? Network managers responsible for building wide-area video-based training networks typically think of Webcasting as a solution. For companies needing to deliver full-motion video to more than a dozen sites, satellite...
Carnival Cruise Lines: Taking IT Management To The Next Level
As any CTO or network manager will tell you, one of the biggest business challenges is finding a way to maintain a strong corporate network that continually provides a live link throughout the entire company. Likewise, it does not matter if a corporation has 100 or 1,000 geographically dispersed regional offices, the element of interconnectivity...