Focus: Telecom

Satellite Broadband: Has Ka-band's Time Come?
By Mark Holmes Recently, experts from the investment bank community warned that the operators, who have been acquired by Private Equity (PE) firms, could be under much tougher constraints when it comes to capital expenditure plans. Max Herrnstein, managing director at Morgan Stanley, says, "You will see limited capital expenditure. The name of the game...
We Asked Them To Pay More Attention, And They Have
by Nick Mitsis It was not too long ago that satellite industry executives were nearly shouting for the financial industry’s attention. Plagued by a weak economy, eclipsed by multibillion dollar satellite business failures, and struggled with a flat-lined market and a slowdown of new business throughout recent years, money was tight and without financial support,...
Edusat Leads Industry Public Service Roster
By Peter J. Brown Hats off to India for taking a very ambitious step forward in the early 21st century with its decision to launch Edusat, which, at least at press time, is scheduled to fly in the second half of this month. It is indeed uplifting to see a country that not only sees...
The Evolving World of Private Networks
By James Careless Private satellite networks. The name conjures up visions of Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) antennas perched atop banks, retailers and gas stations, all sending the most basic of data files into space.Times, however, have changed. Although credit card validation remains an important part of private satellite traffic–as do corporate communications–today’s private networks...
Satellite-Based Distance Learning: The 21st Century Solution
The global demand for distance learning services and more advanced interactive distance learning (IDL) services continues to grow as rural healthcare, the need to provide a basic educational experience in remote areas and other factors influence the growth curve in this instance. At the same time, the blending of IP over satellite and DVB means...
Russia: Deploying Satellite Applications, Gaining Market Strength
With the expansion of the European Union, the makeup of the Eastern European satellite market has changed. Today, when people speak of this market, they are referring to Russia and its former Soviet republics; members of the former Yugoslavia as well as Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. And even though familiar economic challenges remain, this Eastern...
Dollars and Sense: Private Equity: First, The Good News....
by Owen D. Kurtin August brought news of the purchase of Intelsat by a private equity consortium, which includes Apollo Management, Madison Dearborn Partners, Apax Partners and Permira Advisors. Also in August, the purchase price in the pending acquisition of Panamsat from DirecTV Group by another consortium of private equity firms led by Kohlberg Kravis...
Dollars and Sense: What EU Enlargement Means To The Space Sector
By Owen D. Kurtin With its changing landscape, The enlargement of the European Union (EU) will have direct implications on future space business conducted both regionally within Europe as well as globally within the commercial and military satellite sectors. On May 1, 2004, the EU grew from 15 to 25 member states. This joining in...
Maintaining A Cutting Edge In Business With Satellite
Reuters’ business relies on disseminating tailored information to global financial and media services. Without a seamless communication network, Reuters would have no business. More specifically in its video news division, executives at Reuters describe this as a wholesaler operation. Around 200 global news bureaus supported by more than 2,300 editorial staffers, journalists, photographers and camera...
Adopting Successful Business Models
Even though digital signage has been a successful tool for many enterprises, it has not caught on in North America as it has in other parts of the world. In our March issue of Satellite Business Solutions we reported, in part, that point-of-purchase spending is estimated at more than $1 billion and that in-store screens...