Focus: Telecom

DARS And DBS: Forces To Be Reckoned With
By Peter Brown The good news for the satellite industry is that consumers remain eager and satisfied with old and new satellite products alike. Their appetite for satellite-delivered broadcast services worldwide shows no signs of abating. Digital Audio Radio Services (DARS) and Direct Broadcasting Services (DBS) are forces to be reckoned with as subscriber numbers...
Distance learning: The Technology Behind The Application
By Sam Silverstein Improvements in satellite communications technology during the past few years have been making it easier and less expensive for people at multiple locations to work and study collaboratively. Interactive satellite-based networks make it possible for people to receive job training regardless of their office location, learn from teachers in distant cities and...
Launchers: Competing For Customer Satisfaction
By Julie Blondeau An atmosphere of stiff competition remains overhead as global launch service providers continue to race against time and win as many contracts as possible in today’s lackluster market. More importantly, however, each of the players is now more focused on customer satisfaction than ever before. There is no room for error in...
Enterprise Solutions: Cashing In On Profits
By Nick Mitsis Enterprise users of satellite-enabled services continue to show strong signs of revenue growth. In fact, this segment of the satellite business promises to be a profit driver in the near-to long-term future for both seller and buyer. Enterprise clients, long governed by engineering goals, has made the satellite service providers more focused...
Satellite Insurance: A Facilitator Or Impediment To Doing Business?
By Owen D. Kurtin According to several published reports, satellite insurance premiums are approaching 25 percent of satellite procurement costs. As is widely known in the industry, launch/post-separation and in-orbit insurance have become one of the most volatile indicia of satellite project cost and viability, and play a dominant role in the development, launch and...
Bandwidth Management, Proper Planning Equal Cost Savings
Throughout our issues of Satellite Business Solutions, we have profiled success stories of medium and large corporations effectively using a satellite-enabled network to advance business plans and grow revenue. From Carnival Cruise Lines introducing Internet connectivity to all its ships, enhancing the customer experience as well as streamlining corporate communications; to Ford Motor Company upgrading...
Major League Baseball: Profiting Beyond The Ballpark With Satellite
Corporate Executives at Major League Baseball (MLB) were faced with a significant dilemma: they needed to increase viewership and widen the access of the games, expanding the brand beyond the playing diamonds around the country. After examining the possibilities, MLB executives made the decision to upgrade the company’s network infrastructure and create a stronger online...
New Customer Service, Better Corporate Communications
New York-based Wendy’s of Rochester Inc., a franchisee of Wendy’s International Inc., is comprised of more than 100 Wendy’s restaurants spread throughout the New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Southwest Michigan states. As a restaurant chain, the goal of Wendy’s is to offer high-quality, fast, friendly service. To pursue this objective, Wendy’s of Rochester recently...
View From The Top: Margaret Grayson, CEO, President, Director, V-ONE Corporation
Organizations that depend on the Internet must go beyond firewalls and intrusion detection systems to anticipate and protect against potential threats. V-ONE Corp. has been designing, developing and marketing next-generation network security software since 1993 and holds eight patents. Using open standards and application layer technology, the company’s product lines integrate encryption, authentication and access...
Regulatory Review: African Voice Over Internet Protocol
By Gerry Oberst Africa has long been seen as a good market for satellite delivered services due to its vast distances, rural and sparsely located communities, state of economic development and lack of existing terrestrial infrastructure. More recently, the hot topic for satellite marketing has been Internet-related services of all flavors, particularly Voice over Internet...