Focus: Telecom

Ka-Band: Military and Commercial Sectors Gear Up
By Peter J. Brown The use of Ka-band is gaining momentum. Throughout the next year, the broadband over satellite sector in particular will know if the overall business model is on target. At the same time, the busy HDTV market should become even busier as HD delivery via Ka-band ramps up. Boeing is advertising the...
Dollars And Sense: Brand X, Broadband And The Satellite Sector
by Owen D. Kurtin The June launch of Wildblue Communication’s broadband service preceded by only a few weeks a major legal milestone that promises to preserve broadband from burdensome regulation and enable it to develop. Since broadband has been the industry’s El Dorado for so long, and since satellite broadband service is in its infancy...
It's All About A Winning Strategy
At the SATELLITE 2004 Conference and Exhibition opening general session, Panamsat CEO Joe Wright stated that strategic business maneuvers, instead of global operator-to-global operator consolidation, would hallmark near-term FSS industry growth. In other words, satellite operators were going to grow market share through more complete offerings serving more vertical markets with strategic asset acquisitions. A...
Latin America: The Business Trends And Business Developments
By Julie Blondeau Samuel In 2004, the Latin American economy began to take an upward turn as its gross domestic product (GDP) increased 5.5 percent from the previous year, reaching $1.871 billion, and inflation rates dropped to 7.7 percent. Experts expect this recovery trend to continue through 2005 with a growth of 4 percent in...
Banamex: Delivering Training And messages Via Satellite
Banamex executives at the Mexico subsidiary of Citibank wanted to provide better services to its employees and customers. Connecting 1,300 branches across Mexico in a cost-effective manner, however, was a challenge for directors seeking a seamless connection for distributing a diverse array of information throughout the bank’s branches. Once the decision was made to incorporate...
National Gypsum: Increasing Productivity With Satellite
For National Gypsum’s IT department, its network is more than just an afterthought: it is an integral part of the company’s success and is considered as important to growing the business as are the long-term projections of where the next production plant will be constructed. National Gypsum, based in Charlotte, NC, is a privately held...
Hollywood And Madison Avenue Discover The Satellite Advantage
Most corporations, when looking for ways to reduce overhead costs and increase employee output, are using satellite-based communications to significantly improve their communications and productivity. Today, Hollywood and Madison Avenue are also using satellite networks to strategically deliver content. While the advent of digital technology has improved filmmaking and the movie-going experience, rising costs, long...
Asia: Warm But Not Hot
Even though business opportunities are increasing throughout the Asia-Pacific region, regional directors and general managers of some of the leading satellite companies in Asia are moving forward cautiously with their business plans. Strategic penetration of vertical markets and offering managed solutions are the practices industry executives are implementing today in order to garner market share...
Multimedia Matters: Mr. Chertoff, Take A Moment And Look Up
By Peter J. Brown By the time this goes to print, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff should have the results of his comprehensive departmental review in hand. So, where will the DHS place satellite technology in this emerging grand scheme to drastically overhaul and improve interdepartmental efficiency and operational coordination? Probably...
Satellite Operators Target Interference Problem
By Jason Bates Signal interference is a costly and growing problem for the satellite industry, but companies have had difficulties in collecting concrete numbers that portray the scope of the problem. A group of satellite operators and other industry players have launched an effort to document interference issues, which they hope will spur the industry...