Focus: Telecom

Training 100,000 Employees At A Low Cost
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the U.S. Treasury Department agency responsible for collecting taxes, as well as administering business and individual tax programs. The nearly 100,000 IRS employees include...
BBC Uses BGAN To File
The BBC filed news reports on the mudslide in the Philippines using Inmarsat’s Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN), the first news reports filed using the mobile satellite service, Stratos Global...
Orbiting Wall Street
SIRI, XMSR With the Howard Stern sales blitz history and the companies reporting their 2005 performance, Wall Street is offering projections for the stock performance of Sirius Satellite Radio and...
Orbiting Wall Street
Sirius Reports Record Revenue, Subscriber Growth In 2005 Sirius Satellite Radio recorded revenue of $242.2 million in 2005, compared to revenue of $66.9 million in 2004, the company reported Feb....