Focus: Telecom

DataPath Wins Contract To Update DKET
[10-22-07 – Satellite Today]  DataPath Inc. has been awarded a $3.2 million contract to update Deployable Ku-band Earth Terminals (DKET) in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, including adding...
AeroAstro To Upgrade Globalstar Network
[10-19-07 – Satellite Today]  AeroAstro, a business unit of the Radyne Corp., will supply Globalstar with network upgrades to increase satellite messaging capacity, Radyne announced Oct. 18. AeroAstro will supply...
Measat Signs MTV Pakistan Deal
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today] Pacific Century Matrix, a provider of satellite-based television broadcast solutions, has signed agreements with the Indus Media Group to use the Measat-3 satellite for the distribution...
Launch Date Set For Globalstar Satellites
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today] The final four spacecraft in Globalstar Inc.‘s first generation of satellites are scheduled for launch Oct. 21 aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket, satellite manufacturer Space Systems/Loral...
Microspace Distributes Movie For DreamWorks
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today]  Microspace Communications Corp. distributed DreamWorks Pictures’film, "The Heartbreak Kid”digitally via satellite to theaters throughout the United States, Microspace announced Oct. 17. The movie was delivered to...