Focus: Telecom

Thuraya Looks To Boost Satellite Application Strategy
[10-22-07 – Satellite Today] Thuraya, the Middle-East-based MSS operator, has announced deals with four satellite application developers, which it hopes will lead to innovative new products and services. Thuraya said Oct. 21 that it had signed Memorandums of Understanding with SpaceCom, European Antennas, Sattrans and Teknobil. SpaceCom and European Antenna will be creating specialized high-power...
Satellite Industry Must Work With Wireless, Exec Says
[10-19-07 – Satellite News] The future of mobile satellite services can be seen in the terrestrial wireless market, John Mattingly, president of Mobile Satellite Ventures told about 100 space industry executives during the Washington Space Business Roundtable luncheon Oct. 16. One of the main lessons learned as the satellite communications industry grew in the 1970s...
AeroAstro To Upgrade Globalstar Network
[10-19-07 – Satellite Today]  AeroAstro, a business unit of the Radyne Corp., will supply Globalstar with network upgrades to increase satellite messaging capacity, Radyne announced Oct. 18. AeroAstro will supply ground network upgrades as part of its Sensor Enabled Notification System  to enhance receiver sensitivity and the overall customer messaging capacity of the Globalstar Simplex...
C2Sat, Trac ID Partner On Offshore Communications System
[10-19-07 – Satellite Today] C2Sat Communications signed a deal with Trac ID Systems, covering a new radio link application for the oil and gas industry, C2Sat announced Oct. 19. Under the agreement with Trac, a Norwegian telecommunications company that provides wireless systems to oil companies, C2Sat will provide TracLink service for the offshore market with...
Measat Signs MTV Pakistan Deal
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today] Pacific Century Matrix, a provider of satellite-based television broadcast solutions, has signed agreements with the Indus Media Group to use the Measat-3 satellite for the distribution of MTV Pakistan and Indus Vision, Measat Satellite Systems announced Oct. 17. Financial details of the agreements were not released. This is the second deal...
Launch Date Set For Globalstar Satellites
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today] The final four spacecraft in Globalstar Inc.‘s first generation of satellites are scheduled for launch Oct. 21 aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket, satellite manufacturer Space Systems/Loral announced Oct. 17. The satellites, manufactured in 2002, will augment Globalstar’s constellation of 40 spacecraft. Many of the on-orbit spacecraft are suffering from S-band antenna...
Hughes, Verso Complete Inter-Operability Testing Cellular Backhaul Solution
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today] Verso Technologies Inc. and Hughes Network Systems LLC have concluded interoperability testing of the Verso NetPerformer solution over the Hughes broadband satellite platform, the companies announced Oct. 16. Verso conducted the tests over satellite using a Hughes HX System, demonstrating an interconnection between a remote GSM base transceiver station and a...
Microspace Distributes Movie For DreamWorks
[10-17-07 – Satellite Today]  Microspace Communications Corp. distributed DreamWorks Pictures’film, "The Heartbreak Kid”digitally via satellite to theaters throughout the United States, Microspace announced Oct. 17. The movie was delivered to nine theaters starting Oct. 5. In June, Microspace delivered the North American premiere of the DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures movie "Transformers”to four theaters in...
WorldView-1 Acquires First Images
[10-16-07 – Satellite Today] DigitalGlobe has revealed the first images from WorldView-1, the company announced Oct. 15. WorldView-1’s images include half-meter shots of Houston, Yokohama, Japan and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, all acquired since the  beginning of October. The satellite, built by Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. with the imaging sensor provided by ITT Corp., was...
ITU Using Satellite Terminals in Uganda
[10-16-07 – Satellite Today] The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has deployed 25 satellite terminals to help restore vital communication links in the aftermath of severe floods that have affected regions of Uganda, the ITU announced Oct. 16. Uganda has been hard hit by floods, with several districts being ravaged by torrential rains and flash floods...