Focus: Telecom

Wild Blue, Google Partner For Portals
[Satellite News – 1-4-08] A partnership signed with Google in December will provide WildBlue with an invaluable way of getting its name out to the public while at the same time helping Google to further relationships with satellite operators, an industry analyst said.     The agreement, announced Dec. 17, gives WildBlue users personalized homepages using...
Thales Working To Fix Rascom Satellite
[Satellite News – 1-4-08] The Regional African Satellite Communications Organization (Rascom) is facing the prospect that its Rascom-QAF1 satellite will have a much shorter commercial lifetime than expected,     The satellite, placed into orbit in December, is suffering a helium leak and operations have been halted, satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space announced Dec. 29.    ...
Iridium Receives Approval For Satellite Air Traffic Safety Support
[Satellite Today — 1-3-08] Iridium Satellite will be able to provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services for commercial aircraft on transoceanic flights, the company announced Jan. 3.     The International Civil Aviation Organization Council approved the standards and recommended practices that permit Iridium to provide the services.     “Iridium’s dramatic double-digit growth in the aeronautical...
Globecomm Captures Satellite Services Contract
[Satellite Today — 1-3-08] Globecomm Systems Inc. has been awarded a contract by an unnamed U.S. government prime contractor to help provide satellite, data, voice and microwave services, the company announced Jan. 2.     Under the contract, Globecomm subsidiary Globecomm Services Maryland will provide engineering support, teleport services and equipment to support service to locations...
WorldSpace Secures New Finance Facility
[Satellite Today — 1-3-08] WorldSpace Satellite Radio has secured up to $40 million of subordinated financing from Yenura Pte, WorldSpace announced Jan. 2.     The financing will be used for WorldSpace’s planned European expansion. The company plans to launch satellite radio services in Italy this year. WorldSpace also will seek to secure additional financing from...
Globalstar Makes Brazilian Gateway Deal
[Satellite Today — 1-3-08] Globalstar will acquire a Brazilian satellite gateway operator and service provider in a deal valued at $6.5 million, Globalstar announced Jan. 2.     The operator signed an agreement with Loral Space & Communications and various affiliated entities to purchase the Brazilian Globalstar independent gateway operator, which owns and operates three satellite...
Sea Launch Reschedules Thuraya-3 Mission
[Satellite Today — 1-3-08] Sea Launch will make its next attempt to launch the Thuraya-3 satellite Jan. 15, Sea Launch announced.     Sea Launch attempted to conduct the mission, the first since the launch operator suffered a failure in January 2007, in November, but the effort was unsuccessful due to unusually strong currents at the...
Commercial Glonass Navigation Units Enter Market
[1-3-08 – Satellite Today] The first 1,000 units that can receive signals from Russia’s Glonass and the U.S. GPS navigation system have sold out, according to Russian media reports.     Glonass is a dual–purpose global navigation system designed to serve the Russian Ministry of Defense and civil users. The Federal Industry Agency is in charge...
Hughes Wins Indian Banking Contract
[1-3-08 – Satellite Today] Hughes Communications has been awarded a 400 million rupee ($10 million) contract to deploy a banking network across India, according to Indian news reports.     Hughes will deploy the network for running core banking solutions to 1,300 branches of the State Bank of India. Hughes will offer turnkey solutions like satellite-based...
EchoStar Completes Split Of Company
[1-3-08 – Satellite Today] EchoStar Communications Corp. has split into two businesses, effective Jan. 1, the company announced.     Under the plan, unveiled in September, EchoStar will change its name to Dish Network Corp. and retain the pay-TV business and Dish Network. EchoStar Holding Corp. will hold the technology infrastructure, which includes EchoStar’s satellites, uplink...