Focus: Telecom

Hughes, Intelsat Rural Cellular Backhaul Services In Brazil
[Satellite Today – 2-28-08] Hughes Telecommunicacoes do Brasil signed an agreement with Intelsat to deliver a managed cellular backhaul solution in Brazil, Hughes announced.     The system, which will be managed by Hughes and employ the HX System, will enable cellular service providers to cost-effectively extend cell networks to rural areas and sparsely populated regions....
Wegener Broadcasts Live Video Over VSAT Network
[Satellite Today – 2-28-08] Wegener Corp. is teaming up with ViaSat Inc. to support live video broadcasts over a VSAT network, Wegener announced Feb. 27.     Using standard ViaSat LinkStar uplink and downlink equipment, Wegener added live high-definition and standard-definition video streams to a VSAT network traditionally used to transmit data files. The video was...
Intelsat Fills Land Launch Slots
[Satellite Today – 2-28-08] Sea Launch signed an agreement to launch two communications satellites being built by Orbital Sciences using the Land Launch system, Sea Launch announced Feb. 26.     Intelsat 15 will replace Intelsat 709 at 85°East and use its Ku-band payload to provide video and data services for the Middle East, Indian Ocean...
SES Contracts With SS/L For NSS-14
[Satellite Today – 2-27-08] SES New Skies has contracted Space Systems/Loral for the procurement of NSS-14, SES announced Feb. 27.     NSS-14 will be a hybrid satellite featuring 52 x 36 MHz equivalent C-band transponders and 72 x 36 MHz equivalent Ku-band transponders. SES New Skies will deploy NSS-14 over the Atlantic Ocean region at...
Industry CFOs See Continued Need For Financial Discipline
[Satellite News – 2-25-08]  While many satellite industry CFOs understandably highlighted the strong fundamentals of the industry, not all are optimistic that investment conditions will improve any time soon.     “I think the optimism from the bankers (at this morning’s panel) was slightly misplaced,” Inmarsat CFO Rick Medlock said Monday during the “Future Financial Investments...
FSS CEOs Discuss New Market Opportunities
[Satellite News – 2-26-08] While fixed satellite services operators remain intent on expanding their core video markets, opportunities for new services dominated the conversation at SATELLITE 2008’s opening general session, “Expanding Market Growth and Driving Applications.”     One of the discussions focused on the potential for providing broadband services and particularly the role of dedicated...
Japan Launches Broadband Satellite
[Satellite Today – 2-25-08] The Kizuna Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and demonstration satellite was placed into orbit Feb. 23, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. announced. The satellite is designed to provide high-speed Internet to areas of Japan that have been left off the country’s high-speed grid.     According to...
Intelsat, iDirect To Provide VSAT Network For Relief Agency
[Satellite Today – 2-25-08] Intelsat Ltd. and iDirect Inc. will provide satellite capacity and broadband connectivity for global relief and development agency World Vision, the companies announced jointly Feb. 25.     Intelsat is providing satellite capacity and broadband connectivity through its GlobalConnex Network Broadband service for World Vision’s international operations in remote field locations. The...
Hellas Sat, Newtec To Provide Broadband To Greek Islands
[Satellite Today – 2-25-08] Greek satellite operator Hellas Sat is teaming with Newtec to provide satellite broadband to residential users throughout Greece and its remote islands, Hellas Sat announced Feb. 25.     The service will use Newtec’s Sat3Play system and be provided via Ku-band capacity on the Hellas-Sat 2 satellite, positioned at 39°East and will...
Eutelsat CEO Sees Promise In Broadband Market
[Satellite News – 2-22-08] Eutelsat entered 2008 running, including a January announcement that it ordered a Ka-band satellite as the operator looks to become more of a force in the broadband arena.     The satellite, along with a similar spacecraft ordered by ViaSat Inc., will form the cornerstone of a major new satellite infrastructure program...