Focus: Telecom

Google Launches Free Public Wi-Fi Program in Indonesia
As part of its new program Google Station, which first debuted in India in 2016, Google has begun offering free connectivity at railway stations and other public locations in Indonesia. The service has seen huge take-up in India already, with 15,000 people in the region going online for the first time every day, according to...
ViaLight to Develop Laser Terminals for AWN IFC Network
ViaLight Communications has signed a design and manufacturing agreement with California-based Airborne Wireless Network (AWN), an important step toward integrating VLC’s series of airborne laser communication terminals into the Inifinitus Super Highway, a proposed fully-meshed airborne broadband system. According to ViaLight, laser is 100 percent secure from jamming as well as interception, and remains stealthy...
Getting in on the Ground Floor, Literally
While nearly all entrepreneurs behind new satellite startup companies share a common passion for the commercial development of space, some have invested their creative energies on developing valuable business opportunities on the ground. These entrepreneurs identify a more immediate need for technologies that provide the cornerstones of ambitious space visions, and a more practical product...
AWN to Test First Aircraft Broadband Clusters This Year
Airborne Wireless Network (AWN) has successfully completed a series of flight tests with two Boeing 767-300 jetliners over New Mexico as proof of concept for the company’s proposed air-to-air broadband network. According to AWN’s Vice President of Technical Affairs Marius de Mos, now that the company has shown the system is technologically feasible, it will...
Airborne Wireless Network concept of operations.
Kymeta to Support First Responders During Total Solar Eclipse
Projected to welcome between 100,000 and 500,000 visitors during the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse, the Greenville, South Carolina’s police department is keeping its force connected with help from Redmond, Washington-based Kymeta. The company is taking its satellite-connected Toyota RAV4 on the road to provide field-trial mobile communications to the Greenville Police Department as cellular...
Ky2, a Toyota RAV4 equipped with a Kymeta KyWay terminal.
Speedcast to Provide Managed Comms for Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines
U.K.-based Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines has selected Speedcast International to provide end-to-end communication services for voice and data on board its fleet. Speedcast will leverage satellite Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) and land-based 4G/LTE connectivity to deliver communications for Fred. Olsen guests and crew on board its fleet of four cruise ships Balmoral, Braemar, Boudicca...
Boudicca in Flam Norway
Inmarsat CEO Rupert Pearce on the Connected Car
In this video interview at Inmarsat’s head office in London, Inmarsat’s CEO Rupert Pearce talks in-depth about the connected car, and why he thinks this market will be a tougher nut for the satellite industry to crack...
Rupert Pierce Interview
When It Comes to Universal Broadband, Who Should Pay?
Do national governments carry the onus to provide universal broadband connectivity to its people? Or should we allow capitalism to take its course, and have industry figure out the most cost-efficient ways to connect the unconnected? At a technology seminar hosted by STS Global on Aug. 15, panelists sparred over whether it is the government’s...
Visualization of data on internet usage in 2013 by Oxford Internet Institute
Intelsat Will Help Connect Small Maritime Vessels in Brazil
Brazil’s Mareste Equipamentos e Servicos de Telecomunicacao will use Intelsat satellite services to deliver communications solutions for maritime customers, the company announced. Under a new, multi-year agreement, Mareste, which is based in Rio de Janeiro, will offer Ku-band communications services delivered by the Galaxy 28 satellite for the leisure, fishing and coastal sectors in Brazil,...
ETL Systems Supports New SES Ground Infrastructure
ETL Systems has provided essential equipment for ground stations and gateways to support three new SES satellites, the company stated. According to ETL Systems, it installed a large amount of the Radio Frequency (RF) hardware required for the six Ka-band and nine Ku-band gateways and ground stations located around the world. These include four ground...