Focus: Telecom

SSL Wins Contract to Build New Embratel Star One Satellite
Maxar Technologies (formerly MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, or MDA) announced that its SSL business unit has signed a contract to provide a multi-mission communications satellite called Star One D2 to Brazilian satellite operator Embratel Star One. The satellite will improve access to entertainment and information services for consumers and businesses in Latin America, and expands...
Rendition of the Star One D2 satellite. Photo: SSL.
Intelsat’s Spengler on the Future of the Satellite Industry
Intelsat Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Stephen Spengler appeared before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation this week to deliver a testimony discussing the current state of the commercial satellite services industry. Backed by a selection of other prominent executives, including OneWeb’s Greg Wyler, Spengler used the opportunity to laud the benefits of...
Steve Spengler Intelsat
Big Four Satellite Operators Banking on Long-Term Strategies
Intelsat, Eutelsat, SES and Iridium each released their financial results for the third quarter this week. Check out a quick summary of how they fared below. Intelsat For the three months ended Sept. 30, Intelsat reported total revenue of $538.8 million with a net loss of $30.4 million. The company’s network services and government divisions...
ViaSat Threatens Lawsuit Over Inmarsat’s European Aviation Network
ViaSat has not been subtle in its threats of legal action over Inmarsat’s European Aviation Network (EAN). In a statement, ViaSat Chief Operating Officer (COO) Rick Baldridge accused Inmarsat of abusing its initial Ofcom grant of the 2GHz spectrum by using it for an Air-to-Ground (ATG) network rather than a mobile satellite system. “This blatant...
Rendition of the European Aviation Network (EAN). Photo: Deutsche Telekom.
Intelsat Helps Restore Comms to Disaster-Stricken Islands in the Caribbean
Intelsat announced it is supporting multiple organizations providing relief services in the Caribbean as well as helping local and U.S. businesses recover from the three hurricanes that devastated the regions. According to the company, it is leveraging its globalized network and IntelsatOne Flex managed service, an offering that aggregates the Intelsat Epic High Throughput Satellites (HTS)...
Liberty Global vehicles equipped with Kymeta antennas. Photo: Kymeta.
Security Flaws in Inmarsat Maritime Platform Revealed by IOActive
IOActive has released a new advisory documenting critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities affecting Stratos Global’s AmosConnect communication shipboard platform. Stratos Global, which Inmarsat acquired in 2009, provides communication services to thousands of ship vessels globally. AmosConnect supports narrowband satellite communications and integrates vessel and shore-based office applications such as email, fax, telex, GSM text, interoffice communication, and...
Rendition of Inmarsat's vision for maritime connectivity. Photo: Youtube/Inmarsat.
Alphabet’s Project Loon Uses SES Capacity to Reconnect Puerto Rico
SES Networks’ high-throughput and fiber-like satellite connectivity service, along with Alphabet’s Project Loon stratospheric balloons and local telecommunications expertise, is playing a key role in restoring 4G/LTE connectivity in disaster-affected Puerto Rico, SES announced this week. Alphabet has combined Project Loon’s targeted cell coverage with SES Networks’ O3b FastConnect satellite terminal to provide high-performance connectivity...
A Loon balloon getting ready to take flight to Puerto Rico from X's launch site in Nevada. Photo: Alphabet/X.
Inmarsat, Deutsche Telekom Demo EAN Integration In-Flight
Inmarsat and Deutsche Telekom have successfully completed the first flight trials to test both the satellite and complementary ground network for their European Aviation Network (EAN) service. EAN is a dedicated aviation solution to combine space- and ground-based components to deliver high-speed in-flight broadband to airlines. According to Inmarsat, the recent flights demonstrated that EAN...
Teledata Uses Newtec Dialog for Mobile Backhaul in Mozambique
Publicly owned telecommunications specialist Teledata is using Newtec’s Dialog multiservice platform for hundreds of mobile backhaul (2G, 3G) and banking application sites across Mozambique. The Newtec Dialog platform, with a HUB 4IF Hub Module at its core, will power Teledata’s cellular backhaul network using Newtec Dialog modems. The platform is also connecting hundreds of ATMs...
Maputo, the capital and largest city in Mozambique. Photo: Wikimedia.
Honeywell's Connected Aircraft Hardware Certified for Helicopters
The helicopter industry can now take advantage of higher-speed onboard Wi-Fi, video transmission and telemedicine capability in Europe and North America using Honeywell’s Connected Aircraft solution, the Aspire 200 system, the company announced. Honeywell was awarded a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the Aspire 200 satellite communications system on the Airbus...
Airbus Helicopters delivers new Mississippi-built AS350 B3e helicopter to Mississippi Department of Public Safety. Photo: Airbus Helicopters.