Focus: Telecom

AMOS 7 to Help Test Long-Range Interplanetary Communications
Spacecom, together with the Desert Mars Analog Ramon Station (D-MARS), announced a joint experiment whereby the AMOS 7 satellite will provide communication links for analog astronauts located in a specially constructed simulated Mars habitat located near the remote Ramon Crater, Israel to an off-base operations and control center. The purpose of this international experiment conducted...
Simulated Mars habitat located near the remote Ramon Crater, Israel. Photo: D-MARS
Eutelsat's Belmer: Video Still Holds Key to Successful Future
In a major exclusive from Via Satellite, Belmer shares his vision for Eutelsat and where it will go next. This article is part of Via Satellite’s series of interviews with the “Big Four” satellite operators. The satellite industry is clearly at an inflection point as operators seek new growth opportunities in areas such as the...
Eutelsat CEO Rodolphe Belmer
Sabbagh: SES is a “Lonely Voice” in the Industry
SES CEO Karim Michel Sabbagh talks about the operator’s new vision and how it will remain relevant and thrive in an IOT world. This article is part of Via Satellite’s series of interviews with the “Big Four” satellite operators. SES was the talk of World Satellite Business Week (WSBW) late last year when it announced...
SES CEO Karim Michel Sabbagh.
SSTL Starts Operations of Viasat Antenna System
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) and Viasat have started operations of the new Viasat antenna system installed at SSTL’s Guildford headquarters. The new antenna system forms part of the Viasat Real-Time Earth (RTE) network, a hybrid ground and space network designed to provide low-latency satellite data to users on-demand without the need to invest in...
SSTL's Spacecraft Operations Centre, Guildford, UK.
Telesat and LEO: Goldberg Answers the Burning Question
In a rare interview, Telesat CEO Dan Goldberg talks about why 2018 could be such a pivotal year for the company, and gives some updates on its LEO plans. This article is part of Via Satellite’s series of interviews with the “Big Four” satellite operators. Telesat maybe the fourth member of the “Big Four’” operators,...
Telesat CEO Dan Goldberg
PTC Announces Changes to its Board of Governors
The board of governors of the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) announced the appointment of Stephen Ho as the new president and chair of the board of governors. Stephen Ho, the CEO of CITIC Telecom International, will serve his third term as president and chair leading PTC, the global non-profit membership organization promoting the advancement of...
Stephen Ho, president and chair of the board of governors, PTC.
Fifth Iridium Next Launch Planned for March
Iridium Communications has announced the date for its fifth Iridium Next launch for March 18, 2018 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The first of four launches planned for 2018, Iridium 5 will deliver 10 more Iridium Next satellites to orbit, bringing the total number of new satellites deployed to 50. This launch will...
SpaceX's Falcon 9 before Iridium 4 launch.
Spengler Maps out 2018 for Intelsat After Eventful 2017
After a failed merger with OneWeb and a surprising partnership with Intel around 5G, CEO Stephen Spengler discusses how Intelsat must also find new markets and ways to improve its revenues and forecasts in 2018. This article is part of Via Satellite’s series of interviews with the “Big Four” satellite operators. Intelsat has been a...
Stephen Spengler, Intelsat CEO.
GA-ASI Demos Satcom Launch and Recovery with Remote Aircraft
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) successfully demonstrated its latest Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability (ATLC) using a satellite communications data link for its MQ-9B SkyGuardian/SeaGuardian Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). The demonstration also included the first satcom taxi of the MQ-9B. According to GA-ASI, this capability will eliminate the need for a ground control station and...
GA-ASI's MQ-9B SkyGuardian/SeaGuardian Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). Photo: GA-ASI.
Global Eagle Triples HTS Capacity on SES 15 Satellite
Global Eagle Entertainment is aiming to provide airline passengers’ travelling across North America with a connected in-flight experience far more like the one passengers enjoy on the ground, tripling the amount of High Throughput Satellite (HTS) capacity secured with SES Networks aboard the SES 15 satellite. SES announced that Global Eagle has secured a major...
SES 15's North America Ku-band beam. Photo: SES.