Focus: Telecom

Will Telcos Look to Acquire Satellite Assets?
One of the most striking aspects of the opening morning of World Satellite Business Week (WSBW) in Paris was seeing just how much consolidation there has been in the industry over the last few months. Recent deals include Speedcast’s agreement to acquire GlobeComm, as well as Yahsat acquiring Thuraya. But, there are many others. A...
Arabsat, Newtec to Launch New HTS Services for Middle-East and Africa
Arabsat and Newtec have partnered to roll out a package of High Throughput Satellite (HTS) services, including Enterprise broadband, IP Trunking, VNO and mobile 3G/4G backhaul for the Middle East and Africa. The two companies signed a multimillion-dollar partnership contract which will see Arabsat deploy a Newtec Dialog VSAT platform equipped with Newtec DVB-S2X Wideband...
Arabsat, Newtec to Launch New HTS Services for Middle-East and Africa
Major Satellite Operator CEOs Clash Over 5G
Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the top satellite operators remain optimistic that they can take advantage of new growth opportunities in areas such as In-Flight Connectivity (IFC), 5G, and connected transportation. This was one of the main takeaways of the “Satellite and the Hyper-Connected World: The view from leading operators and businesses” panel at World...
Major Satellite Operator CEOs Clash Over 5G
ABS Fosters Interest in Connecting Timor-Leste With Satellite
ABS, formerly Asia Broadcast Satellite, held a seminar session on Aug. 29  about empowering Timor-Leste with satellite, in order to foster greater interest in bringing satellite-enabled services to communities across the country. The forum provided an opportunity for the exchange of views on satellite connectivity and how this could bring Timor-Leste into the next digital...
ABS Fosters Interest in Connecting Timor-Leste With Satellite
Tesacom to Provide New Services in Argentina on Iridium Constellation
Tesacom will provide new services on the Iridium constellation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites in Argentina. The company will offer voice and data services of 350/700 kilobit per second, with the possibility of scaling up to 1 Mega on the L-band. Customer segments will include the government, maritime, transport, mining, and defense. Tesacom will start...
Tesacom to Provide New Services in Argentina on Iridium Constellation
Sprint to Release 1st 5G Smartphone in Early 2019
Sprint confirmed a significant wireless milestone as it works with LG Electronics U.S.A. to deliver the first mobile 5G smartphone in the U.S. in the first half of 2019. Sprint customers will be among the first in the world to experience the mobility of 5G. Device specifications and exact timing will be announced later. Sprint’s first 5G-ready...
Sprint to Release 1st 5G Smartphone in Early 2019
Mobile Bandwidth Consumption, 4G-LTE Markets Show No Signs of Slowing
It is no longer a secret to anyone that the lifestyle and needs of people and companies have drastically changed thanks to technological advances and the need to be more competitive, agile and efficient every day. Many of these new needs have been generated by the different technological advancements that make our lives easier and...
Mobile Bandwidth Consumption, 4G-LTE Markets Show No Signs of Slowing
RigNet Locks in Cyber-security Deal with Singtel
RigNet has won a lucrative cyber-security contract with one of Asia’s biggest telcos. It has signed a deal with Singtel to provide its global customers with CyphreLink, a sophisticated satellite and terrestrial encrypted network service. CyphreLink is a cyber-security service that aims to provide fully encrypted location to location communications protection efficiently without impacting network latency...
RigNet Locks in Cyber-security Deal with Singtel
FCC Speeds Up 5G Spectrum Auction Procedures
As part of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) latest efforts to bring 5G services to the United States, the agency made a number of major announcements yesterday that establish application and bidding procedures for upper microwave, flexible-use service license auctions covering 24- and 28-GHz bandwidths. The FCC said the auction procedures are meant to...
FCC Speeds Up 5G Spectrum Auction Procedures
Orbcomm Sees Significant Increase in Revenues, but Net Loss Widens
Orbcomm reported a strong increase in its revenues in the first half of this year compared to the same stage last year. However, its net losses through the end of June climbed to more than $17 million, an increase of over $3 million compared to the same stage last year. The company announced revenues for...
Orbcomm Sees Significant Increase in Revenues, but Net Loss Widens