Focus: Broadcasting

Free Satellite TV Comes to Indonesia Through ABS, SMV Partnership
[Via Satellite 11-08-2016] Satellite operator ABS will partner with Sarana Media Vision (SMV), using SMV’s Direct-to-Home (DTH) license to launch a consumer free-to-view satellite service, SMV FreeViewSat, across Indonesia in January 2017. The service will initially broadcast more than 60 television channels via the ABS 2, ABS 2A and ABS 6 satellites in both Ku- and...
APT Satellite Provides Capacity, Promotion for CICC Great Wall TV
[Via Satellite 11-08-2016] Chinese International Communication Co. (CICC) has officially selected APT Satellite to promote the Great Wall TV Platform, a mix of 25 TV channels from China with Chinese, English or French voice-over, to new viewers in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. APT Satellite plays two roles in the cooperation: providing satellite...
Chinese International Communication Co. (CICC) has selected ATP Satellite to provide capacity and promotion for Asia's Great Wall TV. Photo: CICC
Where does the Broadcast Market go Next in Africa?
Numerous satellite operators are present in Africa seeking to grow their businesses by exploiting demand for satellite capacity. However, while there are many broadband plays, broadcast remains a key market for capacity. The question is, with changing media habits, will DTH continue to dominate the overall broadcast landscape?
Satellite Newsgathering Gets a Boost Through Dejero, Datapath Partnership
[Via Satellite 11-07-2016] Dejero has selected DataPath, a provider of remote field communications and information technology solutions to the aerospace, broadcast, government and infrastructure markets, to become a value-added reseller of Dejero products and services. Dejero’s LIVE+ cloud-based platform delivers live video over IP. Including the portable GoBox and EnGo transmitters, as well as the...
Dejero and Datapath are teaming up to enhance satellite news gathering capabilities. Photo: Datapath
Globecast Launches Euronews HD via Eutelsat’s Hot Bird Position
[Via Satellite 11-03-2016] Euronews, an international news channel in Europe, has contracted Globecast to bring its new HD channel to viewers across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The channel’s launch in HD on Nov. 1 from Eutelsat’s Hot Bird video neighborhood follows the announcement by Eutelsat and Globecast at IBC 2016 to drive...
Yahlive Adds 16 Exclusive Channels to Arabian Maghreb Bouquet
[Via Satellite 11-03-2016] In line with the commitment to bring relevant, tailored content to the Arabic and French speaking communities across the North African region, Yahlive has added 16 exclusive channels. The announcement sees the company triple its offerings in the region since last year, to 65 free-to-air channels, of which 57 are Algerian channels,...
Yahlive Adds Bosnian TV Channel to European Channel Bouquet
[Via Satellite 11-01-2016] Yahlive announced that, in partnership with Adriatic Tours, owners of Alpha One RTV Network, it has added Face TV to its European channel bouquet. The top-viewed Bosnian channel, which was previously only available via pay-TV, is now exclusively available free-to-air from Yahlive. The new channel is in line with Yahlive’s business strategy...
Yahlive SES Yahsat
Satellite TV Audience in Italy Swells to 8.4 Million Homes
[Via Satellite 10-31-2016] Eutelsat Communications has released fresh data on trends shaping Italy’s TV landscape where average viewing of linear content is the highest in Western Europe, at four hours and 40 minutes per person per day. Using research commissioned from TNS, the Eutelsat TV Observatory shows that satellite reception in Italy’s TV market reaches...
EUTELSAT 9B being loaded into the container to make its way to Baïkonur Cosmodrome launch site
4K Nature Relaxation Channel Launches on SES Satellites
[Via Satellite 10-27-2016] A new 4K channel, Nature Relaxation, has launched aboard SES’ Ultra-HD distribution neighborhood hosted by a trio of satellites, SES 1, SES 3 and AMC 18, at the center of the North American orbital arc. As part of the agreement, Vivicast Media provides multi-platform licensing of Nature Relaxation programming throughout North America....
INsight TV Launches Ultra-HD Channel in North America on SES Satellite
[Via Satellite 10-25-2016] Television Entertainment Reality Network (TERN), operator of the INsight TV Ultra-HD channel, has signed a capacity and playout agreement with SES to deliver the channel to television platforms and audiences across North America. INsight TV is a global factual entertainment channel with more than 200 hours of original content. The range of...
Close Prox Drift- Resized TERN INsight TV